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#food #travel #sports #news #april #saturday

It’s been 27 days since starting a new supplement regime and I couldn’t be happier 🥰 I can tell you myself just how much better I feel but seeing my stats from my Garmin is proof. Since getting my watch in June last year I haven’t gotten the recommended sleep requirement. BUT since incorporating 4 freaking awesome supplements I’ve hit the recommended amount of sleep needed to recover and feel my absolute best for most of April 🤭🤯 Take a read through each product and their benefits. They support your gut and brain, microbiome, supports healthy cortisol levels, cognitive health, optimizes energy, thyroid health, heart health and much more 💖 If you’d like to test out the Uplift Collection for a month and see for yourself just how much your life improves, drop “Sleep” and I’ll get you started feeling your absolute BEST! ✨🥰 #mindbodyuplift #upliftcollection #uplift #bettersleep #guthealth #gutandbrain #cognitive #cognitivehealth #hearthealth #cortisol #cortisolcontrol #cortisollevels #sleep #helpwithsleep #thyroid #energy #minerals #vitamins #supplements #healingjourney #ifeelgood #feelbetter #sleepissues #sleepislife

4/27/2024, 10:05:16 PM

Jess (44 yo F) joined my patient/client list 3 months ago. Chronic fatigue, inflamed joints & muscles, bloating after every meal, mood swings & irregular periods. We formulated a specific Macro #lowcarb diet based on her goals & needs, restored gut health & optimized #thyroid fxn

4/27/2024, 9:32:55 PM

Method acting

4/27/2024, 9:32:20 PM

Happy Saturday! Are you looking for a provider that listens to you and takes a deep dive into your complaints to find the cause? Are you having fatigue, brain fog, low libido and low sleep quality? Let’s work together to find some answers! Shoot me a text at (681) 781-9005 or (304)545-4543 and let’s get you scheduled for an evaluation! I just wanted to mention that I only have two appointments left on the schedule this coming Thursday 5/2/24 at the Sanctuary spa, owner/operator @youthfulu_kathy If you haven’t seen the spa, you need to stop in and check out this place! @totalhealthpros #optimizingyourhealth #bhrt #thyroid #weightloss #hormonereplacementtherapy

4/27/2024, 8:50:55 PM

La medicina es actualidad, tecnología y compromiso, y como parte de mi práctica especializada esta semana se acreditó el workshop 'Ablación de nódulos tiroideos por microondas' Cuando hablamos de técnicas no invasivas para el tratamiento de los nódulos de tiroides y los bocios multinodulares nos referimos por supuesto a la radiofrecuencia, las microondas o el ultrasonido de alta intensidad. Este tipo de intervenciones se basan en “quemar o vaporizar” parte del nódulo o de la tiroides aplicando la energía a través de la piel. Mi enfoque es siempre ayudarte a encontrar la mejor solución 🙌🏻 Pronto les comparto más detalles sobre los beneficios de este tratamiento y sus aplicaciones. : : : Dra. Estefanía Boyer Duck 💻 💻 Agenda Doctoralia México 📲 WhatsApp: +52 56 2735 954 #draboyer #draboyerduck #tiroidesmexico #ablación #radiofrecuencia #biopsiadetiroides #cancerdetiroides #ThyroidSurgery #thyroid #toetva #thyroidawareness #tiroidectomia #surgeonlife #nodulodetiroides #bocio #tiroides #tiroidessana #surgery #cirugiadecabezaycuello

4/27/2024, 8:40:59 PM

Why do so many people think that the gut is so important to good health? Don’t you think this is over expressed? We know that the nervous system is right up there on the hierarchy of most important organs with the brain. They call the gut the second brain, because actually more messages are sent from the gut to the brain than from the brain to the gut. WHO IS CONTROLING WHO?? The gut is where we feel our emotions, but when we don’t process our emotions, we get physical issues in our gut to tell us there is a problem… like a spastic colon or irritable bowel etc. The gut speaks to you via the millions of gut bacteria that produce fatty acids, to B vitamins to other organic compounds as well as neurochemicals that help you to feel emotions. So, when you have gut issues there is an imbalance and it can be distributed by the 10th cranial nerve from the brain, namely the vagus nerve. Always look to see that your digestion is good, your stool is well formed and there is minimal bloating and heart burn. If not, then you need to look at your diet, but also your mood and your stress levels; too often we just look at diet. There is so much more affecting your gut besides diet! Why do we sigh so much when anxious or stressed? This is a self-regulating way in which our nervous system tries to shift us from a fight or flight mechanism to the more relaxed parasympathetic state of rest and digest or better healing. TRY LISTENING TO YOUR BODY AND YOUR INTUITION INSTEAD OF JUST THE DOCTOR… your body is constantly trying to show you what it needs in order to be healthy. Homeopathy when used correctly helps the body to remain in the healing state... Can you afford to be without proper homeopathic care? #thyroidhealing #thyroid #naturalhealing #naturalmedicine #homeopathy #functionalmedicine #hashimotos #graves #wellness #wellnessjourney #health #lifestyle #healing #dranthonydepontes #drdepontes #autoimmune #autoimmuneillness #emotional  #emotions #digestion #gut #neuro

4/27/2024, 8:39:34 PM

I'Ve had hypothyroid for over 20 years now. Not one doctor, not one appointment, not one blood draw (out of hundreds) has anyone ever recommended or told me how vitamins and minerals and foods and diet can change the trajectory of how my thyroid functions. @forefronthealth they have tons of scientifically backed research and tools to comprehensively treat and HEAL your thyroid. When your thyroid is off, everything is off. It changes everything in your body if it's not functioning optimally. I started several things recently and have already noticed changes for the BETTER. I wish I didn't have to fight so hard to help myself heal. But I am forever grateful for those that have crossed my path to educate me on how I can heal myself. Use code SWENFAM10 for 10% off your purchase! #thyroid #hypothyroid #lyme #lymedisease #advocate #healingispossible #illgetthere #oneday

4/27/2024, 8:33:43 PM

Have you ever felt like your life was completely on hold? That you are stuck in limbo? That’s how I feel at the moment. Like, although I am living my life, things are stuck. I don’t know if I am coming or going. Frightened for my next treatment, frightened of this illness coming back, frightened of the future. It’s all such a huge mess. Before October my life was absolutely fine. Well I mean as much as it can be. I was lucky as hell. I had a beautiful family, lovely home and great friends. Since then, life has been a rollercoaster. Not just physically for my health but other things too. My whole world has basically come crashing down and I don’t know what to do with it. I am strong, I can manage. But, sometimes I feel why should I? It’s a strange one isn’t it, to feel bitter but also feel lucky that your still alive and your treatment has been fairly straightforward. I don’t wish anyone to go on the cancer journey. I don’t wish anyone to feel like their world had crumbled. But for those who do and have, it does get better. It will get better and one day you will look back and think, I made it ❤️ #thyroidcancer #cancer #cancersurvivor #thyroid #thyroidproblems #thyroidhealing #health #surgery

4/27/2024, 7:58:07 PM

Don't wait any longer to monitor your thyroid health - book a test at Dhanvantri Path Labs today. #TakeControl #DhanvantriPathLabs Book your Thalassemia Test Today! ✅ Free Sample Collection: 9941799413 ✅ Address : Dhanvantri Path Lab, Ground Floor, SCO-333, Sec-20, Huda, Kaithal . . . #dhanvantripathlabs #pathologylab #pathlab #thyroidtest #ThyroidTesting #thyroidtesting #thyroid #thyroid #thyroide #thyroiddiet #thyroidhealth #ThyroidDisease #ThyroidSupport #thyroiddisease #thyroidhealing #thyroidproblems #thyroidawareness #thyroidweightloss

4/27/2024, 7:42:56 PM

🥗 Salată marocană de sfeclă 📋Ingrediente: 5 buc sfeclă de mărime medie, fiartă/coapta, decojită și tăiată cubulețe 1/4 cană frunze de coriandru proaspăt 1/4 cană frunze de mentă proaspătă 1 ceapă roșie, feliată subțire 1 lingura coaja de portocala bio 1 lingura de sare roz 1 lingura ulei de masline 2 linguri de semințe de chimen, prăjite 1/4 cană suc de portocale proaspăt stors 🍽️ Instrucțiuni: Tăiați capetele sfeclei și spălați-o bine. Într-o oală mare, acoperiți sfecla cu apă și aduceți la fiert. Reduceți focul la mic și fierbeți aproximativ 30-40 de minute, sau până când sfecla este fragedă când este străpunsă cu o furculiță. Scoateți sfecla din oală și lăsați-o să se răcească. După ce s-a răcit, curățați sfecla de coajă și tăiați-o în bucăți mici. Într-o tigaie mică, la foc mediu, prăjiți semințele de chimen pentru câteva minute, până când sunt parfumate. Aveți grijă să nu le ardeți. Se ia de pe foc si se da deoparte. 🥣 Într-un castron mare, combinați sfecla tăiată cubulețe, ceapa roșie feliată subțire, coriandru proaspăt tocat și frunzele de mentă proaspătă tocate. 🥄 Într-un castron mic, amestecați uleiul de măsline, sucul de portocale proaspăt stors, sarea și coaja de portocală până se combină bine. Se toarnă dressingul peste salata de sfeclă și se amestecă ușor pentru a acoperi toate ingredientele. Presărați semințele de chimen prăjite peste salată chiar înainte de servire. Dacă doriți, puneți salata la frigider pentru aproximativ 30 de minute pentru a permite aromelor să se topească înainte de servire. Serviți salata de sfeclă marocană rece sau la temperatura camerei ca garnitură răcoritoare și aromată. Această salată este plină de culori vibrante și arome exotice, făcând-o un plus perfect pentru orice masă, în special pentru preparatele de inspirație marocană sau mediteraneană. Bucurați-vă!🤗 #retete #tiroida #hashimoto #thyroid #sanatate #medicina #dieta #doctor #healthy #life #boli #imunitate #hipotiroidism #diabet #insulina #fasting #sharingiscaring #slabit #slabestesanatos #secretultiroidei #flavialazaroni

4/27/2024, 6:33:42 PM

As my doctors searched my body, and were trying to find what was wrong, they found I had a hypertrophic adrenal gland. This was the first thing they tested. All of my adrenal hormones were exceptionally low. I had low testosterone, low cortisol, and I had low aldosterone. Over 3 years time, they found that I had a lot of polyps, a fibroid, Barrett’s esophagus, breast dysplasia, a lung nodule, and a sinus cyst - but they didn’t know what was causing it all. That’s when my endocrinologist did a carotid artery ultrasound, and that’s when they found my thyroid cancer. Thyroid effects everything. I was sleeping 14-16 hours a day, at that point. I was hot and cold, and I was loosing weight. These are all symptoms Kevin has had. My heart rate was hitting 180, and I had severe #orthostatichypotension - now, everything is back to normal. I still have Barrett’s, but it’s stable now. My adrenals normal, my lung nodule is gone. My polyps and breast dysplasia are gone. I may not be 100% better, but I’m thankful they found the problem because it gave me the chance to do something about it. I didn’t show any lymph node involvement, and I still don’t. #thyroidcancer #thyroid #timematters

4/27/2024, 6:31:42 PM

Unsere Schilddrüse verdient ein bisschen Extra-Liebe! ❤️💪 Sie spielt eine entscheidende Rolle für unsere Gesundheit und unser Wohlbefinden. Zeit, sie zu pflegen und zu unterstützen, damit sie uns optimal unterstützen kann. 🌿✨ Die Schilddrüse beeinflusst viele lebenswichtige Funktionen unseres Körpers, von Stoffwechsel und Energielevel bis hin zu Stimmung und Gewicht. Deshalb ist es wichtig, sie gut zu behandeln. 🦋 Welche Maßnahmen ergreifst du, um deine Schilddrüse gesund zu halten? 👇👇Schreibe es in die Kommentare und Teile es mit der @darm_wissen Community 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ Werde Teil der @darm_wissen Community für: 💡 | Mehr Wissen zum Thema Ernährung und Gesundheit 🍎| Einfach Ernährungstipps für deinen gesunden Alltag 🧠| Kostenlose aber dafür unbezahlbares Wissen 📌Markiere jemanden, der diesen Beitrag sehen sollte! #Schilddrüsenbehandlung #Schilddrüsenprobleme #Schilddrüsenunterfunktion #Schilddrüsenüberfunktion #HormonelleBalance #Gesundheit #Selbstfürsorge #Wohlbefinden #Schilddrüse #GesundeErnährung #Stoffwechsel #HormonelleGesundheit #Naturheilkunde #Hautpflege #GesundeLebensweise #GanzheitlicheGesundheit #GesundLeben #NatürlicheHeilung #Gesundheitsbewusstsein #GesundheitistAlles #Selbstheilungskräfte #Heilung #AlternativeMedizin #Hashimoto #Autoimmunerkrankung #Endokrinologie #Hormonstörungen #Thyroid #Hyperthyreose #Hypothyreose 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️

4/27/2024, 6:30:11 PM

#Thyroid patients: Don’t be so hard on yourself. The mom in E.T. had an alien living in her house for days and she didn’t even notice. Tag someone who needs to hear this! #thyroidwellness #drridhaarem

4/27/2024, 6:29:54 PM

زيادة الوزن قد لا تكون بالضرورة بسبب تناول فائض من السعرات الحرارية ربما تحدث بسبب خلل في الهرمونات المذكورة ، تحدث مع أخصائي التغذية إذا كنت تواجه هذه المشكلة، وتعرف على "حمية الهرمونات" الخاصة بك وفي حالتك الصحية @dt.yousefsuwan @dt.yousefsuwan @dt.yousefsuwan __________________ #melatoninhormone #hormon #testosterone #cortisol #stress #estrogen #male #female #insulin #ghrelin #weightgain #leptin #thyroxine #thyroid #metabolism #calories #bones #fat #muscles #carbohydrates #protein #supplements #dtyousefsuwan #vitamins #minerals #nutrition #diet #dietitian #food #restaurant

4/27/2024, 6:21:54 PM

Let’s learn about Thyroid Diseases with @mystudyhelp.yourway 📑👩🏻‍⚕️ . . . . . . . [Lab values, Study Notes, Medical Notes, Thyroid Diseases, TSH, T3, T4, Iodine Therapy] . . . . . . . . #mystudyhelpyourway #mystudyhelp #studytogether #medicalnotes #cheatsheets #medicalcheatsheet #medicalmadeeasy #medico #pharma #pharmacist💊 #pharmaciststudent #pharmacistlife #nursingstudent #nursingstudents #nursingtips #pharmaschool #meditação #hyperthyroid #hyperthyroïdie #tsh #t3 #t4 #iodinedeficiency #iodinesupplement #iodinetreatment #radioactivetreatment #thyroid #thyroidproblems #thyroidweightloss #thyroiddisease

4/27/2024, 6:21:34 PM

Let’s learn about Thyroid Diseases with @mystudyhelp.yourway 📑👩🏻‍⚕️ . . . . . . . [Lab values, Study Notes, Medical Notes, Thyroid Diseases, TSH, T3, T4, Iodine Therapy] . . . . . . . . #mystudyhelpyourway #mystudyhelp #studytogether #medicalnotes #cheatsheets #medicalcheatsheet #medicalmadeeasy #medico #pharma #pharmacist💊 #pharmaciststudent #pharmacistlife #nursingstudent #nursingstudents #nursingtips #pharmaschool #meditação #hyperthyroid #hyperthyroïdie #tsh #t3 #t4 #iodinedeficiency #iodinesupplement #iodinetreatment #radioactivetreatment #thyroid #thyroidproblems #thyroidweightloss #thyroiddisease

4/27/2024, 6:21:15 PM

Let’s learn about Thyroid Diseases with @mystudyhelp.yourway 📑👩🏻‍⚕️ . . . . . . . [Lab values, Study Notes, Medical Notes, Thyroid Diseases, TSH, T3, T4, Iodine Therapy] . . . . . . . . #mystudyhelpyourway #mystudyhelp #studytogether #medicalnotes #cheatsheets #medicalcheatsheet #medicalmadeeasy #medico #pharma #pharmacist💊 #pharmaciststudent #pharmacistlife #nursingstudent #nursingstudents #nursingtips #pharmaschool #meditação #hyperthyroid #hyperthyroïdie #tsh #t3 #t4 #iodinedeficiency #iodinesupplement #iodinetreatment #radioactivetreatment #thyroid #thyroidproblems #thyroidweightloss #thyroiddisease

4/27/2024, 6:20:58 PM

Carbohydrates 🤍 Contact Us Now 💪🏻 . 🤍 . Hello to who's reading this, I'm Rashmita Chandrakar, A Health And Wellness Coach, here to guide and educate you towards your body and health and to heal your body issues😊. For that just let me know how can i help! I'm just a DM away! Be free to message me. Thank You 😊 . #positivity #positivethinking #healthandwellness #motivationalquotes #healthiswealth #healthquotes #healthcoaches #healthfact #healthcoach #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #weightmanagement #weightgain #wellness #wellnesscoach #fitcoach #thyroid #diabetes #gainweight #fy #fyp #fypage #fyp#fypppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp

4/27/2024, 5:44:34 PM

Spread love, spread awareness 💙 Our thyroid cancer t-shirts are here to inspire and uplift. #LoveAndLight #ThyroidWarriors 💙🦋 #thyroidcancer #thyroidcancersurvivor #thyroid

4/27/2024, 5:42:37 PM

Ayurveda, an ancient Indian holistic healing system, offers natural remedies for thyroid disorders. Using a blend of herbs, dietary changes, and lifestyle adjustments, Ayurvedic practitioners aim to restore balance to the body and alleviate symptoms. Commonly recommended herbs include ashwagandha, guggul, and shilajit, known for their thyroid-supporting properties. Dietary recommendations often emphasize consuming iodine-rich foods and avoiding processed items. Additionally, stress reduction techniques like yoga and meditation are encouraged to promote overall well-being. While Ayurveda can complement conventional treatment, it's crucial to consult with a qualified practitioner for personalized guidance. . . #ayurveda #ayurvedatips #thyroid #panchakarma #aadinathvitalisinghomes #viralpost

4/27/2024, 5:37:42 PM

Get thyroid health guidance from our expert endocrinologists at South City Hospital. Your wellness journey starts here. #SouthCityHospital #SCH #Thyroid #Endocrinologist

4/27/2024, 4:40:33 PM

🍵✨ Ever heard of the wonders of Purple Tea? If you’re on a quest for weight loss and stress reduction, this might just be the beverage you need to add to your routine! Kenyan Purple Tea is not just any tea—it’s a powerhouse of antioxidants, lower in caffeine than green and black tea, and has unique properties that help with weight management and stress relief. Its secret weapon? The presence of anthocyanins, the same antioxidants found in other superfoods like blueberries and pomegranates, which can help in reducing inflammation and supporting healthy weight loss. But that’s not all—this tea is also known for its potential to help balance cortisol levels, making it a great ally in your battle against stress. 🧘‍♀️🌿 Drinking purple tea regularly can help you feel more relaxed and balanced, making it easier to manage everyday pressures and reduce stress-related snacking. So, if you’re looking to shed some pounds and find your zen, consider swapping your usual cuppa with this vibrant, health-boosting brew. Ready to transform your health journey? Try this magical purple potion and feel the difference! 🌟 for a limited time you can get 15% off drop the word tea for immediate discount & more info 🌿🌿🌿 #PurpleTeaBenefits #WeightLossJourney #StressRelief #HealthyLiving #TeaTime #cortisol #stress #hormones #health #KenyanPurpleTea #adrenalfatigue #fitness #hormonebalance #wellness #healthylifestyle #anxiety #stressmanagement #nutrition #diabetes #testosterone #cortisolcontrol #stressrelief #adrenal #sleep #hormonehealth #insulin #thyroid #functionalmedicine

4/27/2024, 4:27:47 PM

Dr. Devesh Singh - Your Trusted General Medicine Physician at Star Hospital, Siliguri, total care for your wellbeing. To Book An Appointment, Visit - Call: 1800-123 -8044 | 80010-06060 Address: Asian Highway - 2, Near Tinbatti More, Siliguri - 734004, West Bengal. #diabetes #thyroid #hypertention #JointSurgery #DrDeveshSingh #StarHospital #Siliguri

4/27/2024, 4:27:25 PM

😊Health Is Wealth 😊 🎉🎉🎉✅✅✅✅✅ Join Our Course +91-74882 92448 😊Living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent chronic diseases and long-term illnesses. Feeling good about yourself and taking care of your health are important for your self-esteem and self-image. Maintain a healthy lifestyle by doing what is right for your body.😊 follow 👉 @getting_fit_forever9 .. . #weightloss #healthylifestyle #pcod #pcos #thyroid #diabetes #hypothyroid #weightlossjourney #period #irregularperiod #weightlosscourse #hairfall #caloriesdeficit #dietplan #exercise #Uk #Dubai #Maharashtra #Saudi #Africa #Canada #banglore #Chennai #hydrabad

4/27/2024, 4:27:20 PM

Anxiety as a function of dis-function deep in the body 😫 *I’ll start this off saying that yes, some elements to anxiety are absolutely external triggers, coping tools, and should be worked through with a knowledgeable professional* 👉 But MOST anxiety that I see clinically is deeply rooted as a SYMPTOM to something else going on 🤔 Let’s break it down simply: The new brain is your conscious mind, this is where you recognize “anxious” feelings but your older brain is more in tune and in control of subconscious happenings in your body from metabolism, to hormones, to registering toxins and more. 👉 The dysfunction of something downstream (below the neck) signals to the old brain that something is off, but your conscious brain doesn’t interpret this as: 🤷‍♀️ Oh that’s my low progesterone! Or that’s just some overgrowth of Klebsiella in my gut, or candida etc 🤪 No- Your conscious brain just knows …. 👀 Something isn’t right! And the wheels begin turning and turning and the anxiousness picks up speed 😫 MOST PATIENTS BEGIN SEEING RELIEF FROM OR TOTAL RESOLUTION OF THEIR ANXIETY WITHIN WEEKS TO MONTHS when we address THEIR unique reason why their body is communicating these disruptive “help me” signals to the brain ⚠️ Yes, some people have more externally driven, circumstantial, situational, trauma-driven anxiety BUT even this needs to be evaluated below the chin! 🙌 The body is holding onto fight/flight stress response, stuck in these past realities and subject to repetitively negative assault of stress hormones in their system creating an environment that favors anything but rest, digest, balance, healing, etc ✨ So next time you’re feeling anxious, shift the dialogue. You aren’t broken, anxiety is a symptom: It’s a check engine light 💡 Find a functional health provider and dig in ♥️ . . . . . #anxiety #anxious #mood #depression #triggered #health #hormones #women #womenshealth #ibs #gutbrainaxis #gutbrainconnection #thyroid #progesterone #cortisol #fightorflight #restanddigest #healing #healthy #lifestyle #charlottenc #huntersvillenc #concordnc #mooresvillenc #salisburync

4/27/2024, 4:26:47 PM

😊Health Is Wealth 😊 🎉🎉🎉✅✅✅✅✅ Join Our Course +91-74882 92448 😊Living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent chronic diseases and long-term illnesses. Feeling good about yourself and taking care of your health are important for your self-esteem and self-image. Maintain a healthy lifestyle by doing what is right for your body.😊 Follow 👉 @h_ealthy_weightloss .. .. #weightloss #healthylifestyle #pcod #pcos #thyroid #diabetes #hypothyroid #weightlossjourney #period #irregularperiod #weightlosscourse #hairfall #caloriesdeficit #dietplan #exercise #Uk #Dubai #Maharashtra #Saudi #Africa #Canada #banglore #Chennai #hydrabad

4/27/2024, 4:25:46 PM

You Asked, We Listened!! Maximum Strength Sea Moss Capsules. Our Capsules are made from our WildCrafted Caribbean Sea Moss, Delicately transformed into a maximum strength 500mg powder and filled into Vegan, Easy Digestible CAPSULES! Just like our Sea Moss Gel, the capsules have the same benefits, perfect for those who don’t like the texture of the gel. Sea Moss is always a great addition for a balanced, healthy lifestyle. Just a few of the endless benefits of Sea Moss are. 📍Boost the Immune System. 📍Provides 92 of the 102 vitamins and minerals the body needs. 📍Helps with weight management. 📍Clears phlegm and mucus from the body. 📍Filled with anti oxidants. 📍Helps with Fertility. 📍Testosterone Boost 📍Promotes a healthy thyroid. 📍Aids in digestion. 📍Helps with skin conditions. 📍Supports the lungs. 📍Improves energy. #SeaMoss #SeaMosster #SeaMossterFamily #Lifestyle #Energy #Health #HealThySelf #SelfCare #Vegan #Vegetarian #Mineral #Vitamins #VitaminSea #StLucia #WildCrafted #Organic #92Minerals #Revitalise #Gym #Leicester #LC #Thyroid #ForYouPage #Caribbean

4/27/2024, 4:17:58 PM

I had to share bc, i too, have thyroid issues (hypothyroidism). She said no to her friend many times, then finally said through to the end😮 ... "I started my supplements in December 2017 after a diagnosis of Hashimoto's autoimmune disease. After all the research I did pointed to leaky gut connection with autoimmune diseases, I was certain I needed to change my diet, physical activity and supplements to start the healing process. There is so much research now available on the gut and brain connection that it appeared obvious these supplements had the proper ingredients to help me in my journey. More so, had also just received the confirmation that I was pregnant which sent me on a mission to improve my health as being pregnant with a thyroid disease can be harmful to the neurological development of the baby. We delivered a healthy baby girl who has exceeded all the health issues my two older children experienced. She does not suffer from eczema like the other two did. She has not had excessive seasonal illness like the other two did. I also started my older two on all the kids' products and their health has improved tremendously. 🙌Finally, I'm ecstatic to report that my final results have come back that my thyroid is functioning normally.🙌 This is a huge victory. I am no longer suffering with the horrible symptoms of this disease and was taken off medication. I fully believe in healthy probiotics and prebiotics to heal the leaky gut issue." #thyroid #hashimotos #autoimmunedisease

4/27/2024, 4:08:50 PM

Can you actually reverse Hashimoto’s? How? What are the benefits of doing so? #hashimotos #hashi #hypothyroidism #thyroid #autoimmunedisease

4/27/2024, 4:07:57 PM

If you'd like to understand what it would be like to work with me to better understand your health and what we can do together to then please book in a free 20 minute Reboot your Health. I work with all health conditions but I have a special interest in chronic fatigue, blood sugar dysregulation and gut health. Comment YES, DM me or see my link in my bio for how to book as well as the packages and sessions I offer. #metabolichealth #prediabetes #healthyhabits #Nutritionist #nutritionplan #nutritiontips #bloodsugarbalance #hearthealth #bloodsugar #exhausted #nutritionmatters #guthealthy #ibsdiet #coeliac #ibd #fatigue #coeliac #chronicillness #thyroid #autoimmune #brainfog #gutbrainconnection #fattyliver #autoimmunewarrior

4/27/2024, 4:04:54 PM

At Blue Skye Health, our top priority is ensuring that every patient has a positive and comfortable experience. From the moment you step into our facility, you can expect to receive compassionate and high-quality care from our dedicated team of healthcare professionals. We strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where all patients feel respected and valued. Our goal is to help you achieve optimal health and well-being, and we are committed to providing exceptional medical services that meet your specific needs. Hear from another happy patient of ours! #blueskyehealth #bhrt #guthealth #thyroid #lowt #pellettherapy #health #wellness #naturalmedicine #tampa #florida #functionalmedicine #ivtherapy #ivvitamins #ivinfusions #vitamins

4/27/2024, 4:00:27 PM

🤯Problem🟰 1 in 8 women will develop a thyroid disorder🤯 but we can help..🫶NEW Thyroid Support.. & you ask what can it do for me..🤔 helps improve thyroid function, optimizes thyroid metabolism, provides energy, increases mood, regulates appetite, and assists in fat loss😲💪 there's no other product like this on the market & only available @ Rebel Fit DC & GP locations😎 • • • #rebelfitfam #quality #products #thyroid #leviathan #mood #energy #fatloss #metabolism #feelgood

4/27/2024, 3:41:12 PM

🔓️Unlocking the Secrets to a Happier You: The Power of Happiness Hormones⁠ ⁠ 🙋🏻‍♀️Have you ever wondered what fuels your moments of joy and contentment? It turns out, the secret lies in the beautiful dance of hormones within our bodies, orchestrating moments of happiness and well-being. It's not just about feeling good; this is the science of survival, thriving on a delightful cocktail of neurotransmitters and hormones that reward us for life-sustaining behaviors.⁠ ⁠ 👫🏽Meet Your Happiness Allies⁠ ⁠ 🎶Dopamine: Often dubbed the "reward chemical," dopamine surges through your body when you engage in activities that are crucial for your survival and well-being. This can range from savoring a delicious, nutritious meal to accomplishing a goal. It's the spark that motivates you to chase after those moments that make life worth living.⁠ ⁠ 💕Oxytocin: Known as "the love hormone," oxytocin fortifies the bonds that tether us to those we hold dear. It's the warmth of a hug, the comfort of a friend's presence, reducing stress and nurturing our capacity to trust and connect. Its power underlines the essence of human connection in our lives.⁠ ⁠ ☀️Serotonin: This mood-regulator does wonders from the inside out, playing a pivotal role in our feelings of happiness and our sleep-wake cycles. Remarkably, it draws much of its strength from environmental factors like diet and sunlight, reminding us to nourish our bodies and soak up the sunshine.⁠ ⁠ 🚵🏻‍♀️Endorphins: The body's natural painkillers, endorphins, have the magical ability to elevate our mood and mitigate discomfort. They are our internal cheerleaders, encouraging us through exercise and laughter, painting our experiences with hues of joy.⁠ The Simple Path to Happiness⁠ ⁠ 🤔Reflect on this - our ancestors evolved not just to survive but to thrive on these hormones, guided by the simple acts of eating well, nurturing social bonds, basking in the sunlight, and staying active. These actions are not merely paths to survival; they are blueprints for a joyful, fulfilling life.⁠

4/27/2024, 3:30:12 PM

Cet hiver j'ai eu un ganglion qui avait fort gonflé à gauche, au point d'être bien visible de l'extérieur, à cause d'une angine bactérienne. J'avais été mise sous antibiotiques donc ça avait finit par guérir et le ganglion avait repris une taille normale, mais il m'a toujours semblé resté un peu plus gros que celui à droite. Mais, comme j'étais guérie, j'ai finis par arrêter d'y prêter attention... Récemment, entre les pollens et les virus, je suis retombée malade. Rien de grave, mais à nouveau cette sensation de gêne dans la gorge. Pas aussi gonflé que cet hiver, mais quand même un peu. Et ça le reste. Ça ne se voit pas de l'extérieur, sauf sous certains angles, mais ça se sent dès que je mets ma crème sur mon cou, sans insister. Donc j'ai consulté ma médecin généraliste et, compte tenu de ma thyroïdite d'Hashimoto, il est possible que ce soit un / des nodules. Elle a bien prit le temps de palper partout, car j'ai aussi une bosse du même style dans la nuque. Comme j'étais un peu malade elle m'a fait un test bactérien mais il s'est avéré négatif. J'ai une échographie de la thyroïde à passer mi-mai afin de voir s'il s'agit, ou non, de nodule. Si c'est le cas, une échographie sera faite tous les 1 à 2 ans pour surveiller, sauf s'il a un aspect trop étrange ou devient trop gênant. Et, si ce n'est pas un nodule, on avisera selon les résultats de l'échographie. ----- #thyroid #thyroidproblems #thyroidhealth #thyroiddisease #hypothyroidism #hypothyroidie #thyroiditehashimoto #nodules #ganglion #health #echographie #medical #santé #prendresoindesoi #sclerodermie #sclerodermiesystémique #sclerodermaawareness #sclerodermawarrior #scleroderma #sclérodermie #autoimunedisease #autoimune #raredisease #handicap #handicapinvisible

4/27/2024, 3:02:10 PM

Did you know that drinking enough water helps keep the brain properly hydrated? It's true! Hydration is key for supporting optimal cognitive function. Dehydration can impair cognitive performance, including concentration, alertness, and short-term memory. Do you have any tricks for staying hydrated throughout the day? Share them in the comments! #chiropractors #functionalmedicine #holisticwellness #holistichealth #florida #floridahealth #fitnessmotivation #lifestyle #healthgoals #intermittentfasting #guthealth #thyroid #hearthealth #heartdisease #alternativemedicine #insulinresistance #diabetes #chronicpain #healthandwellness #wholebody #anxiety #fatigue #mentalhealthmatters #vitamind #exercise #healthydiet #supplements

4/27/2024, 3:00:59 PM

Feeling overwhelmed or exhausted just thinking about juggling proper nutrition and the demands of daily life? You're not alone. Many view the commitment to health as time-consuming. But here's the key: collaborating with an expert enables you to streamline your approach, cutting through the noise and inefficiencies. Together, we can tailor a plan that aligns precisely with your body's unique requirements, leading to faster and more successful outcomes. Let's eliminate overwhelm and turn your health goals into reality! Call me 702.530.9966 or book your consultation online to get started. #healologyhealth #nursepractitioner #functionalmedicine #BHRT #lasvegas #vegas #702 #fitnessmotivation #lifestyle #healthgoals #intermittentfasting #guthealth #thyroid #hearthealth #heartdisease #alternativemedicine #insulinresistance #diabetes #chronicpain #healthandwellness #wholebody #anxiety #fatigue #mentalhealthmatters

4/27/2024, 3:00:58 PM

प्रेग्नेंसी में कितनी बार अल्ट्रासाउंड करवाना सही है. Ncure Imaging & DiagnosNcure Imaging & Diagnostic Centre Leading Imaging & Diagnostic Service Provider In Jodhpur सभी उपलब्ध जाँचें एम.आर.आई. सी.टी. स्केन. सोनोग्राफी (2D/3D/4D) कलर डॉप्लर डिजीटल एक्सरे यूरोफ्लोमेट्री टी.एम.टी. ई.सी.जी. EEG / EMG / NCV/ BERA Biopsy/FNAC खून, पैशाब एवं कैंसर की विश्वस्तरीय सम्पूर्ण जाँचें अधिक जानकारी के लिए संपर्क करें Free Ambulance 🚑 and Home Sample Collection 💉 24X7 Service Available +91 777 888 6354 +91 777 888 6374 Opp. AIIMS Gate No 5, Basni, Jodhpur, Rajasthan 342005 #diagnostic #sonography #xray #imaging #health #post #viral #virals #viralreels #viralvideos #viralreelsfb #viralshort #thyroid #biospy

4/27/2024, 2:52:21 PM

Start you day with these morning routines.😄 #morningroutine #fitness #healthytipsforall #thyroid #fitlifestyle #morningstretch #drinkwater # #eyecare #firstmeal

4/27/2024, 2:33:32 PM

Sometimes your only closure is knowing that you had good intentions and good heart ♥️🌻 . . . Practice yoga holistically! Movement is medicine! Nourish your spirit! Happy healing with Soul Sathi Yoga 🪷 #soulsathiyoga #healyourmindbodysoul #yogaclass #yogalove #lovefitness #selfphase #yogaheals #womenhealth #thyroid #vericose #yogadaily #yogainspiration #practicenotperfection #yogagram #progress #asana #pranayama #yogaaddict #hatha #vinyasa #iyengar #ditchdietculture #yogaforallbodies #yogaeverywhere #avalancheofmiracles 🌈

4/27/2024, 2:02:36 PM

Compounded Transdermal Methimazole Cream for Cats Compounded to provide: ✅Treatment for overactive thyroid glands in cats ✅Lessen symptoms of hyperthyroidism for a better quality of life ✅Precise dose made just for your pet’s needs ✅Easy to dose transdermal cream inside your cats ear #transdermal #methimazoleforcats #hyperthyroidism #thyroid #overactive #cats #ear #purepets #purecompoundingpharmacy #southcarolina

4/27/2024, 2:00:14 PM

Peeling Back the Layers of High Cortisol's Effects! 🧠 💥 Let's delve into the specifics: 🟣 Brain 🧠: High cortisol disrupts neurotransmitter balance, impairing memory, focus, and mood regulation. Chronic stress may lead to anxiety, depression, and cognitive decline. 🟣 Thyroid 🦋: Elevated cortisol inhibits thyroid hormone conversion, slowing metabolism and causing symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, and cold intolerance. 🟣 Gut 🌿: Cortisol increases gut permeability, leading to inflammation, bloating, and digestive discomfort. Long-term stress may exacerbate conditions like IBS and leaky gut syndrome. 🟣 Bones 🦴: Chronic cortisol elevation inhibits bone formation and accelerates bone breakdown, increasing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. 🟣 Immune System 🛡️: Initially suppresses inflammation, but prolonged cortisol exposure weakens immune function, leaving the body vulnerable to infections and autoimmune disorders. 🟣 Hormones 💃: Cortisol dysregulation disrupts hormone balance, contributing to metabolic disturbances, irregular menstrual cycles, and fertility issues. 🟣 Cardiovascular ❤️: High cortisol levels raise blood pressure, promote plaque buildup in arteries, and dysregulate lipid metabolism, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke. 🟣 Muscle 💪: Cortisol's catabolic effects break down muscle tissue, impairing muscle growth and recovery. This can lead to weakness, fatigue, and decreased exercise performance. 🟣 Liver 🍽️: Cortisol influences liver metabolism, promoting glucose production and contributing to insulin resistance and fatty liver disease. 🟣 Skin 🌟: Excess cortisol exacerbates skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis by increasing inflammation and oil production, while impairing collagen synthesis and wound healing.

4/27/2024, 1:51:30 PM