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#food #travel #sports #news #april #monday

Zoodles mit Garnelen 🦐 Ich liebe schnelle Gerichte mit wenig Aufwand, und wenn sie dann noch Low Carb, proteinreich und glutenfrei sind, umso besser! Das Rezept reicht für 1-2 Portionen – je nachdem wie groß der Hunger ist. #LowCarbLeben #LowCarbRezepte #GesundesEssen #glutenfrei #Fitnessküche #AbnehmenOhneHungern #CleanEating #GesundeErnährung #FitFood #LowCarbDeutschland

4/29/2024, 7:16:18 PM

Hoy no va nada mal una CREMA DE CALABAZA, PUERRO Y BONIATO. Te apuntas? Feliz semana,cocinitas👩🏻‍🍳 #comidacasera #cocinafácil #calabaza #cocinaligera #fit #fitfood #saludable

4/29/2024, 7:15:56 PM

I thank prozis for our collaboration. happy about this, little by little I will show you their products ☀️ @prozisitalia @prozis #suppliedby #prozis #prozisitalia #exceedyourself #fitness #fitfam #job #food #fitfood

4/29/2024, 7:09:18 PM

--- Premiera! --- Ebook "Jadłospis 2024" już w sprzedaży. Skorzystaj z premierowej promocji 50% taniej. Szczegóły na: Pyszne faszerowane pomidory z czosnkiem i mozzarellą! Składniki: - Pomidor malinowy 300g (2 duże sztuki) - Mozzarella light 60g - Ryż 60g - Cebula 20g - Czosnek 5g - Oliwa 5g - Przyprawy: sól, pieprz, bazylia Wykonanie: - Ryż gotujemy - Cebulę kroimy drobno, czosnek rozgniatamy i podsmażamy na oliwie - Odkrawamy górę pomidorów i wydrążamy miąższ - Do podsmażonej cebuli dodajemy ryż, miąższ pomidorów, przyprawy i podsmażamy 2-3 minuty - Mieszamy z drobno pociętą mozzarellą i faszerujemy pomidory - Pieczemy około 10 minut w 190 stopniach Gotowe! Kaloryczność: - 413 kcal - 23g białko - 58g węglowodany - 11g tłuszcze #kurczak #zdrowyobiad #fitobiad #kolacja #wiemcojem #healthyfood #jedzenie #jemzdrowo #zdrowe #odchudzanie #dieta #zdroweodżywianie #przepisy #fitprzepisy #bezcukru #zdrowejedzenie #zdrowo #fitsłodycze #zdroweprzepisy #fitfood #dietapudełkowa

4/29/2024, 7:07:53 PM

Celebrando a beleza e a expressão do movimento neste Dia Mundial da Dança! 💃🕺 Dançar é mais do que passos; é uma linguagem universal que nos conecta em harmonia. Vamos celebrar a arte da dança juntos hoje e sempre! #DiaMundialDaDança #Dança #Expressão #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitlife #gymlife #healthylifestyle #workout #exercise #fitfam #fitspiration #fitnessgoals #getfit #trainhard #fitbody #fitgirls #fitguys #fitfood #fitjourney #fitnessaddict #fitnessmodel #fitandhealthy #personaltrainer

4/29/2024, 7:05:55 PM

En FitFood Canarias procuramos reducir lo más posible nuestra huella en el medioambiente. Por ello usamos bandejas de bagazo de maíz: ♻️ ecológicas ♻️ reciclables ♻️ reutilizables Además, son aptas para usar con el microondas, ideales para llevar a la oficina o a la playa, ligeras y con un sistema de cierre seguro🙌🏻 #poweredbyfitfood⁠ ⁠ 🍱 Para pedir tu comida contáctanos a través de⁠ 📞 676085134⁠ 💌 [email protected]⁠ 💻 ⁠ #fitfoodcanarias#fitfood #realfood #comidareal #healthyfood#comidasana #instafood #fitlife #vidasana #instahealth #laspalmas #grancanaria #canaryislands #canarias #laspalmasdegrancanaria #latituddevida #gastronomia #foodie #fitnessmotivation #healthylifestyle #yummy #mealprep #batchcooking #yoconsumocanario

4/29/2024, 7:04:39 PM

CHILAQUILES!!! 💚🤤 con un toque de chile morita, acompañados de queso panela, ensalada y aguacate 🥑 ALMUERZOS NUTRITIVOS Y RICOS! 😉 #yummiyummimx #dieta #dietaadomicilio #dietaadomiciliocdvictoria #fitfood #fiteat #planesnutritivos # #comidanutritiva #healthyfood #mealprep

4/29/2024, 7:04:18 PM

Vamos a empezar bien la semana, con una ensalada templada de habitas 😋 Con habitas baby y huevo a la plancha 🍳 Como aliño, aove y menta, que le va muy bien a las habitas! 👌🏼 ¿Qué te parece? ¿Te gustan las habitas? 😉 Con esta ensalada participo en el reto @loslunesdeensalada de @sarairenedelasnieves con la cuenta capitana de esta semana @thegooodtaste 👏🏻 #loslunesdeensalada #ensaladadehabitas #habitasconhuevo #ensaladasaludable #healthysalad #ensaladacreativa #saladlover #ilovesalads #cocinasana #cocinasaludable #comidasana #dietamediterranea #healthyfood #recetassanas #recetassaludables #recetasfaciles #fitfood #comecomidareal #realfood #comiendosano #comericoysano #foodie #lifestyleblogger #healthylifestyle #rincondeaqua

4/29/2024, 7:01:56 PM

Tortino fit al cioccolato... Ingredienti: 3 cucchiai di farina d'Avena al cioccolato @prozis 5gr di cacao amaro in polvere 3 cucchiai di latte vegetale 2gr di lievito per dolci 1 cucchiaio di olio di cocco Gocce di cioccolato bianco senza zuccheri q.b. @prozis Procedimento: Mescolare tutti gli ingredienti in un recipiente tranne il latte... mescolare bene e poi aggiungere il latte poco alla volta fino a che il composto diventa di una consistenza cremosa (non deve essere ne troppo liquido ne troppo denso)...trasferire il composto in una cocotte o in una tazza... cospargere di gocce di cioccolato e cuocere in friggitrice ad aria per circa 6/7 minuti...  🔝🔝🔝🔝😍 #goodmorning #goodlife #goodday #goodfood #kitchenfantasyfood #foodkitchenfood3 #breakfast #breakfastwhitfedefashionlove # #fit #fitfood #fitfoodnoi #pcnoi6 #ccnoi1 #fitness #fitnessgirl #rosygirls #marirosepost #preallenamento #preworkout #preworkoutfood #dolcejsalato #amantecook #blogger #bloggerlife #bodymodification #tortinoalcioccolato #tortino #cioccolato #chocolate

4/29/2024, 6:59:08 PM

Veganes Nudelgulasch Echtes Soulfood habe ich heute wieder für euch. Ein deftiges Onepot-Rezept, bei dem niemand Fleisch vermissen wird. Es passt perfekt zu diesem derzeitigen Schmuddelwetter und wie immer übernimmt der Herd die ganze Arbeit und das schmutzige Geschirr beschränkt sich auf eine Pfanne. Lasst es euch schmecken! Für 4 Portionen 250g Hörnchen Nudeln 400g Tofu 1 Dose Kidneybohnen 1 Paprika 1 Stange Lauch 400ml passierte Tomaten 750ml Gemüsebrühe 3 EL Sojasauce 1 El Tomatenmark Gewürze (Salz, Pfeffer, Paprika, Oregano) Den Tofu mit einem Küchentuch ausdrücken und dann mit den Händen grob zerkrümeln. In einer Pfanne mit etwas Öl goldbraun anbraten. Dann mit der Sojasauce ablöschen. Wenn der Tofu die Flüssigkeit aufgenommen hat, diesen aus der Pfanne nehmen. In der Zwischenzeit den Lauch und die Paprika in kleine Stücke schneiden und beides in die jetzt leere Pfanne geben und einige Minuten weich dünsten. Tomatenmark und die Gewürze dazugeben, dann mit Gemüsebrühe und den passierten Tomaten ablöschen. Die Nudeln dazugeben und alles etwa 15 Minuten weichköcheln lassen. Nur noch den Tofu und die Kidneybohnen unterrühren und erwärmen, ggf. nachwürzen. #vegetarisch #fit #fitfood #ohnezucker #gesunderezepte #rezeptefürjedentag #schnellundeinfach #abnehmen #abnehmenleichtgemacht #kalorienzählen #kalorienarmerezepte #proteinreich #gesundabnehmen #abnehmenohneverzicht #abnehmrezepte #ausgewogeneernährung #fitnessrezepte #leichtundlecker #rezeptezumabnehmen #unter500kalorien #highprotein #vegan #vegangenießen #veganerezepte #onepot #mealprep #gulasch #pastarezepte #pastalover #eintopf

4/29/2024, 6:46:49 PM

🥬 RUCOLA 🥗 -jetzt saisonal genießen - Wenn es ein absolut unterschätztes Topping für herzhafte Gerichte gibt, dann ist das ohne Frage Rucola. Die kleinen grünen Blätter sind wahre Kraftpakete und haben ab jetzt Saison. Welche Benefits Rucola für deine Gesundheit hat, siehst du in der Infografik oben ⬆️ Rucola hat unter dem Blattgemüse auch eine Besonderheit. Weißt du, welche das ist? Die Auflösung gibt es in den Kommentaren. Schreibe mal dazu, ob du diesen Fact schon über Rucola wusstest.📝 Ich bin gespannt! Ich hoffe die Infografik gefällt euch! LG Saskia 💕 💾 abspeichern zum Nachlesen 💌 für wen kann die Grafik hilfreich sein? - teile sie mit Familie & Freunden Lass gerne ein 💗da, wenn dir der Beitrag gefällt #ganzheitlich #ernährungsberatung #gesunderoutinen #healthylifestyle #immunsystemstärken #spring #frühling #gesundeernährung #infografik #fitness #gesundleben #gesundzunehmen #gesundabnehmen #fitfood #folsäure #schwangerschaft #rucola #rauke #italienischkochen #saisonalesgemüse #saisonalkochen #salat #salatbowl #topping #newweek #monday #pasta #darmgesundheit #salad

4/29/2024, 6:41:21 PM

Paz y amor 💘🙏☘️🫶

4/29/2024, 6:20:20 PM

In person check in with the man behind the 📸 @willcleal_photography @willcleal_fitness We are 2 weeks into his 7 week photoshoot prep and 2.5kg down in bw already and eating more food than he was 🤝 These lads love chucking there last minute holiday photoshoot and contest preps on me good job I love a challenge 👊 Will has been very militant doesn’t miss any cardio or training sessions even with his very busy work life and having young children We’ve seen a very good shift in body composition with just 2 weeks in I have no doubts he will be ready for his photoshoot in another 5 weeks 📸 Dm to join the team 📲 or click the link in the bio #photography #photoshoot #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #bodytransformation #dedication #lifestyle #motivation #eatclean #fit #fitnessmotivation #fitfam #fitfood #instafit #instafitness #gym #gymmotivation

4/29/2024, 6:09:41 PM

Whether it’s the pile of unwashed clothing inside your hamper, the garage that needs to be tidied for a new season, or the playroom that has become a dumping ground of toys missing their pieces, there are tasks we all push from day to day on our calendar. ⁠ ⁠ The same way I teach tackling big goals with small, buildable tasks -- you can do the same with your unpleasant tasks on your to-do list. Breaking challenging tasks into smaller parts will make them seem much more attainable. So while you may not do a spring cleaning overhaul in one afternoon, those ten minutes of focused work on the playroom can make a big difference. It may not be an immediate rush of happiness, but small actions take root and make a difference. ⁠ ⁠ Start small, start today, and start feeling the weight of that to-do list gradually lifted off your shoulders.⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ #theinstagramlab #TILinsiders #therisingtidesociety #risingtidesociety #communityovercompetition #healthyfood #cleaneating #weightloss #healthychoices #nutrition #healthylifestyle #healthyeating #healthyliving #strong #healthylife #fitgirl #getfit #fitfood #instahealth #modernCEO

4/29/2024, 6:05:15 PM

We're closing out Environment Month at with a look at clean eating. How can busy women adopt a clean eating lifestyle while managing a busy existence? Let's take a look. - - - - - #sustainablelifestyle #cleaneating #healthyeating #busywoman #HealthyEating #CleanEating #Nutrition #Wellness #FitFood #HealthyRecipes #PlantBased #WholeFoods #BalancedDiet #EatWell

4/29/2024, 6:02:33 PM

BUTTERNUT SQUASH-GINGER &LENTIL SOUP ________ Follow us for more meal prep ideas: @iamfitstronghealthy #iamfitstronghealthy Need meal prep containers? 🍱 Check out our store links in the bio 🌐 BY @dprepstation _________ #healthymeal #foodpost #healthyrecipes #healthylunchideas #mealprep #healthydinner #healthyfood #foodgasm #foodprep #healthyfoodie #healthyfoodshare #healthyfoodideas #comida #mealprepinspo #weightloss #smileon #mealprepsuccess #fitfood #ipesrecipes #fitfood #fitrecipes #buzzfeed #tasty #mealplan #blinkfitness

4/29/2024, 6:02:05 PM

Gorący dzień, więc koktajl z mrożonych malin i banana na mleku migdałowym, posypany pestkami dyni , będzie w sam raz 😋🩷 #koktajl #koktajlowocowy #owocowelove #owoce #fitfood #fitdeser #jemfit #jemzdrowoikolorowo #jemzdrowo #zdrowaprzekąska

4/29/2024, 6:01:05 PM

📣 FitFood presents Sugar-Free Muesli! Great for weight management, diabetic patients, and healthy for all! 🫁 Just add milk/yogurt and have a wholesome breakfast loaded with nuts and seeds every day! Order Now! Muesli 250gm @ 370 Tk! Muesli 150gm @ 230 Tk! 𝑰𝑵𝑩𝑶𝑿 𝑼𝑺 𝑭𝑶𝑹 𝑯𝑶𝑴𝑬 𝑫𝑬𝑳𝑰𝑽𝑬𝑹𝒀 𝑨𝑪𝑹𝑶𝑺𝑺 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑪𝑶𝑼𝑵𝑻𝑹𝒀 #healthybreakfast #healthysnacks #fitfood

4/29/2024, 6:00:28 PM

LANCHE DA TARDE -200g de morangos -Papas de aveia (20g de aveia+150ml de leite magro) -10g de manteiga de amendoim Total: 250kcal #diarioalimentar #perdadepeso #saudavel #emagrecimento #compulsaoalimentar #fitness #reeducaçãoalimentar #refeicaosaudavel #reequilibragealimentaire #vencendoaobesidade #emagrecer #alimentaçãosaudavel #receitasfit #receitasaudavel #obesidadeeemagrecimento #perderpeso #fitfood #comerbem

4/29/2024, 5:58:28 PM

O meu almoço de hoje 😋🥰 Arroz de feijão, legumes e costeleta de porco. #alimentaçãosaudável #alimentacionsaludable #paleofood #almoçofit #almoçosaudável #reeducacaoalimentar #fitfood #comidas #lunch #lunchtime #comerbem #fit #food

4/29/2024, 5:52:55 PM

Did you wake up today satisfied and happy with how you look and feel or did you wake up today, frustrated and disappointed because you are doing so many things right but nothing seems to be working? 1. I only eat once a day 2. I run 70 miles a week 3. I am gluten free, dairy free, low carb and vegan 4. I only drink on the weekends 5. I've been tracking my food and only eat 1200 calories a day 6. I go to bootcamp 4 days a week, lift weights 2 days a week and play pickleball 3 days a week 7. I always buy low fat, low carb, organic foods at the store Stop with the nonsense. Losing weight doesn't have to be difficult but it does take a little bit of work and a whole lot of consistency. Learn the same strategies that I, a former fatty turned personal trainer and nutrition coach, have implemented to not only lose over 85 lbs. but most importantly, to keep those pounds off. DM me for an invite! #weightlossjourney #fatloss #weightloss #fatlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #weightlosssupport #nutritioncoach #healthyeating #nutrition #healthychoices #fitfood #healthyfood #foodisfuel

4/29/2024, 5:51:53 PM

Fiziki aktiv olmaq beyin sağlamlığını qorumağa, çəkiyə nəzarət etməyə, xəstəliklər riskini azaltmağa, əzələ və sümük gücünü artırmağa və gündəlik performansı yaxşılaşdırmağa kömək edir.✨❤️ 🔺Xidmətlərimiz : Fitness | Boks 🕗07:00-22:00 Ümumi Zal və Qadın Zalı 📍Ünvan : Cefer Cabbarli kucesi 609 ,Globus center 10 mertebe 📲Əlaqə nömrəsi : +994 50 700 00 47 #4life #4lifefitness #4lifefitnesscenter #idmanzali #fitnessaz #fitnessazerbaijan #fitnessaze #idman #qadinidman #saglamliq #fitnessmotivation #fitnes #fitnessmotivation #sport #baku #azerbaijan #game #sport #boks #fitfood #fitfoodaze #fitfoodaz #diet #dieta #boks #kickboks #boksazerbaycan #boksazerbaycan

4/29/2024, 5:26:59 PM

Unlock Your Health Potential with Kendall at Integrative Massage! 🌿 At Integrative Massage, where our mission is to empower you on your journey toward holistic wellness, we are proud to introduce Kendall, a Certified Massage Therapist who is not just an expert in her field but a true partner in your health. Motivated by her own passion for athletics, health, and wellness—and fueled by her experience as a college athlete—Kendall understands firsthand the impact of bodywork and massage in recovering from injuries and enhancing performance. This personal journey inspired her to delve into the world of therapeutic massage. Kendall specializes in Therapeutic Deep Tissue Massage, brings a profound understanding of the body’s dynamics coupled with a deep empathy for her clients. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science with an emphasis on Sports Medicine from Minnesota State University, and an AAS in Massage Therapy from Northwestern Health Sciences University. Her extensive training enables her to design massage sessions that are not only therapeutic but also personalized to enhance your overall well-being and sports performance. With Kendall, you’re not just receiving a massage; you are stepping into a partnership. She listens attentively to your concerns and goals, and her intuitive touch helps identify and address key areas that can unlock new levels of health and vitality. Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain, seeking to enhance your athletic performance, or simply aiming to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle, Kendall’s techniques—ranging from Trigger Point Therapy to Cupping—are tools that support your journey. Outside of her professional life, Kendall is a vibrant part of her community, enjoying the outdoors, local comedy, and the craft brewery scene. Her lifestyle is a testament to the balance and joy she aims to bring into the lives of her clients. Embark on a transformative path with Kendall at Integrative Massage, where your health and wellness goals are at the heart of every session. Let Kendall be your guide and ally in pursuing a life full of vitality and joy. #massagetherapy #sportsmassage #exploreminnesota #captureminnesota

4/29/2024, 5:24:53 PM

When the chef refuses to serve you Pan cakes and insists on an egg omelet instead... because gains! 💪🍳 #EggcellentChoice #MuscleFuel #ChefMuscles #nutrabud #YourNutritionBuddy Eggs are the ultimate muscle-building fuel! They're packed with high-quality protein, essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that support muscle growth and repair. Here's why having eggs for breakfast is an eggcellent choice: Complete Protein: Eggs contain all nine essential amino acids, making them a complete protein source. This means they provide your muscles with the building blocks they need to grow and repair. High in Leucine: Leucine is an amino acid that plays a key role in muscle protein synthesis. Eggs are rich in leucine, making them especially effective for muscle building. Nutrient Dense: Eggs are packed with nutrients like vitamin D, B vitamins, choline, and selenium, which are essential for overall health and muscle function. Satiety: The protein and healthy fats in eggs help you feel full and satisfied, preventing overeating and supporting weight management. So next time the bodybuilder chef insists on an egg omelet, trust him! It's the most complete and balanced food source for building muscles and achieving your fitness goals. #EggOmelet #MuscleBuilding #ProteinPower #NutritionMemes #FitFood #HealthyEating #ChefLife #Gains #FitnessFunny #EggcellentChoice

4/29/2024, 5:19:46 PM

👉🏻LA FRUTTA SECCA È TUTTA UGUALE? 👉🏻FRUTTA SECCA OLEOSA E DISIDRATATA SONO EQUIVALENTI? 👉🏻SI PUÒ SOSTITUIRE FRUTTA ESSICCATA CON LA FRUTTA FRESCA? 👉🏻CHI DEVE EVITARE DI CONSUMARLA? 👉🏻COME INSERIRLA A DIETA? Scorri il carosello per scoprirne di più!🔎 #biologanutrizionista #nutrition #nutrizionista #nutrizione #consiglialimentari #educazionealimentare #ricette #alimentazione #fruttasecca #spuntinisani #healthy #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #diet #food #alimentazionesana #dieta #fitfoodie #fit #fitfood #nonsonoadietamangiosano #dimagriremangiando #dimagrire #dimagrimento #perderepeso #instagood #instafood #instalike #instagram #bhfyp

4/29/2024, 5:19:05 PM

🥦Speichere dir jetzt unseren High-Protein-Veggie Spickzettel!🥦 Ihr habt gefragt. Wir liefern! 12 leckere Lebensmittel voller Proteine (100 g Trockengewicht) für eine ausgewogene pflanzliche Ernährung. 💪 Welche pflanzlichen Proteinquellen sind eure Favoriten? 💭 Teilt eure besten Tipps und Erfahrungen mit uns in den Kommentaren! 💬 Gemeinsam können wir einander inspirieren und von unseren Ernährungsgewohnheiten profitieren. 💪 Folgt @online.ernaehrungsakademie für weiteren kostenlosen & täglichen Content mit Mehrwert 😎😍 #highprotein #fitfood #gesundeernahrung #onlineernaehrungsakademie #vegetarisch #veggie

4/29/2024, 5:17:01 PM

"Fueling up for fat loss! 💪 Prepping my body with a nutritious pre-workout meal to crush those weight loss goals." . . . . #HealthyEating #WeightLossJourney #PreWorkoutFuel #WeightLossMeal #HealthyEating #FitFood #NutritionGoals #WorkoutPrep

4/29/2024, 5:16:47 PM

Banana Oatmeal Power Cookies Wholesome Banana & Oat Energy Bites Ingredients: - 2 ripe bananas, mashed - 1 cup rolled oats - 1/2 cup almond butter - 1/4 cup honey - 1/2 cup dried cranberries - 1/4 cup chopped walnuts - 1 tsp vanilla extract - 1/2 tsp cinnamon - A pinch of salt Directions: 1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). 2. In a large bowl, combine mashed bananas, oats, almond butter, honey, cranberries, walnuts, vanilla extract, cinnamon, and a pinch of salt. 3. Stir the mixture until well combined. 4. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 5. Drop tablespoon-sized scoops of the mixture onto the baking sheet. 6. Flatten each scoop slightly with the back of a spoon. 7. Bake for 15-18 minutes or until the edges are golden brown. 8. Let cool on the baking sheet for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely. Prep Time: 10 minutes | Cooking Time: 18 minutes | Total Time: 28 minutes Kcal: 150 kcal per cookie | Servings: 12 cookies #bananaoatmealcookies #healthycookies #energybites #vegansnack #glutenfreesnack #easyrecipes #homebaking #fitfood #healthytreats #oatmealcookies #bananarecipes #almondbutter #honeyrecipes #cranberrycookies #walnutcookies #cinnamondelight #wholesomesnacks #bakingday #cleaneating #nutritiousanddelicious

4/29/2024, 5:12:08 PM

Pra quem tá se cuidando e bateu desejo de um docinho: Biscoito de Arroz Fit Food! >Ele possui uma deliciosa cobertura de chocolate ao leite ou meio amargo.🍫 ✅Zero açúcar ✅Zero glúten ✅Fonte de fibras Supermercados Archer, faz parte do seu dia a dia.🧡 #redearcher #supermercadosarcher #saudabilidade #fitfood #biscoitodearroz

4/29/2024, 5:01:10 PM

𝙎𝙪𝙧𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙚 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮 💕 Just turned the big 3-0 and wow, what a bash! 🎉 Picture this: pink everywhere (because why not?), my faves all in one place, and enough cava and chips to sink a ship. Shoutout to my other half for pulling off the ultimate pink surprise party! Spoiled with presents and love - best night ever! 💖 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙨 𝙅𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙛𝙚𝙧 💋 • • • • • #FeelingLoved #pinkpartymagic #BelgianImpactCouple #BelgianImpactTeam #BodyImpactPlan #PowerImpactPlan #ImpactBeasts #ImpactBabes #BeastPlan #BeastWorkout #Fitness #Nutrition #Fit #Results #Food #HealthyFood #Fitlife #HealthyLife #GetHealthy #Weightloss #LooseWeight #GainWeight #MuscleMass #Energy #FitFood #EatClean #GetFit #LiveYourBestLife

4/29/2024, 4:52:44 PM

𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐳𝐨𝐧𝐞! "If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done." Change things up and experience growth like you never have before! #nutrition #fitnessmotivation #healthfitness #eatinghealthy #fitfood #pinterestideas #pinterestinspiration #motivation #weightloss #dosomething #fitness #changethings #comfortzone #growth

4/29/2024, 4:51:12 PM

Happy Labor Day to the workers of every field! We respect and recognize the contributions that everyone has done to the world and our country. To celebrate this, we are giving out 15% discounts for you and your colleagues if you purchase two or more of the same packages (any package) to the same address! Order now via DM! Start one day or Day One. #dayone #foodcatering #cateringbatam #fitfood #catering #batamfood #protein #gains #healthylifestyle #gym #abs #meals #fitfood #fitmeal #workout #laborday #promotion #discount #sharing #colleague

4/29/2024, 4:39:58 PM

Right Food For Diet By Healthevia 🥗 Finding the "Right Food For Diet" can be a game-changer! 🌱 Let's talk about the power of nourishing your body with wholesome, nutrient-packed meals. From vibrant salads to protein-rich dishes, we've got you covered! 💪🍽️ Dive into our guide for delicious recipes and expert tips to fuel your journey to a healthier you! For More Detail And Tips Visit Our Website. Link is in the Bio. #HealthyEating #NutritionTips #CleanEating #DietGoals #WholesomeLiving #FoodieFinds #FitFood #WellnessJourney #HealthyChoices #EatClean #HealthyLifestyle 🍏🥑🥦

4/29/2024, 4:37:33 PM

Guess who’s that Pokemon? Starting 30th of April, you will notice that we have a new appearance! Keep up the excitement and wait for tomorrow to come :D Order now via DM! Start one day or Day One. #dayone #foodcatering #cateringbatam #fitfood #catering #batamfood #packaging #foodpackaging #design #packagingdesign #cateringbox #batamfood #batamdining #batamcatering #healthyfood #fitnessfood #fitnesscatering

4/29/2024, 4:36:37 PM


4/29/2024, 4:34:08 PM

چلو کباب ویژه #چلوکباب#کباب#غذای_ایرانی#فیتنس#فیتنس_بانوان#فیت #healthylifestyle #healthy #fitfood#غذای_ایرانی#بیرونبر#رژیم_کاهش_وزن#رژیم_غذایی#رژیم_سالم

4/29/2024, 4:33:19 PM

Diet plan will be according to your preference. Diet plan is customised and personalised according to your food choices and health conditions like pcos, hypertension, hypothyroidism, high blood sugar, irregular periods, and many more We are here to help in cracking your goals related to health and fitness. Take steps towards your better health .🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️ Change is beautiful 😍 🤩 👌 No any supplements/ no artificial slimming products/ crash diets/ No restrictions/ No any medicines / No Keto / No intermittent fasting Let 2024 be the year dedicated to your health and fitness DM now👉🏻 to get a consultation and a personalized diet🍲🥘 . We assure you of the best👌 . #nutritionistritika #healthygut #workout #healthylifestyles #diet #dietplan #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #fitness #motivation #instahealth #healthymeals #fitnessmotivation #cleaneating #fitfood #wellnessjourney #eathealthy #nepal #india #mumbai #delhi #kathmandu #usa #australia #japantravel #canada #change #betterhealth

4/29/2024, 4:31:59 PM

This is definitely one of my easiest meal prep recipes yet! These buffalo chicken zucchini boats are high in protein and also full of nutrients! Pair perfectly with another veggie or rice as a side dish. ——————————————— Ingredients: 1 packet of ranch seasoning 2lb ground chicken 4-5oz of blue cheese crumbles (optional) 1C Buffalo sauce of choice 8 Zuchinni ——————————————- Directions: -Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F -In a mixing bowl combine chicken, ranch, blue cheese, and hot sauce -Cut your zucchini in half lengthwise and scoop out the center -Fill each half with the meat mixture and place in a casserole dish (*Don’t use a sheet pan or the water from the zucchini will drip over into your oven*) -Bake for 30-35min until cooked through -Drizzle with more buffalo if desired and enjoy 😋 . . #fromfarbstotable #zucchini #stuffedzucchini #buffalochicken #buffalofood #recipeshare #recipesharing #recipesofinstagram #easyrecipes #easymeals #weeknightdinner #foodiefamilytime #eatnorthamerica #teamhappyfoodies #glutenfreefood #glutenfree #glutenfreerecipes #highproteinmeals #fitfoodie #fitfood #healthyrecipes #highprotein #highproteinlowcarb #highproteinrecipes #quickmeals #weeknightmeals #veggies #vegetables #springtime #springrecipes

4/29/2024, 4:29:25 PM

🍓🥝 Pyszna owsianka HI PROTEIN z truskawkami i kiwi 🥝🍓 Składniki: 30g płatków owsianych 10g chia 150g puddingu waniliowego Hi protein 100g jogurtu naturalnego HI Protein 100g truskawek 1/2 kiwi 10g nerkowców Ok. 5-7g crunchy z czekoladą pokruszoną Płatki owsiane i chia zalewamy wrzątkiem i czekamy, aż napęcznieją (można zalać na noc, wówczas fajnie wchłoną). Następnie dodajemy jogurt naturalny i mieszamy. Na dno naczynia dajemy 1/2 porcji puddingu. Następnie układamy wokół naczynia kiwi, a w środek wkładamy jogurt połączony z płatkami. Dalej wykładamy pozostałą część puddingu. Na wierzch wykładamy pogniecione truskawki, nerkowce i crunchy z czekoladą. Kcal: 487 B: 46g (protein) W: 57g (carbohydrates) T: 12,4g (fat) ♥️👀👀👀 Spodobał Ci się przepis? Dodaj komentarz i obserwuj po więcej 👀👀👀 ♥️ ♥️👀👀 Follow for more 👀👀♥️ Smacznego!! 💪 #owsianka #oats #fitprzepisy #fit #healthy #healthyfood #zdrowesłodycze #zdroweprzepisy #zdroweprzekąski #zdroweodżywianie #zdrowejedzenie #zdroweśniadanie #fruits #frühstück #breakfast #healthylifestyle #healthyrecipes #healthyrecipe #odchudzamsie #odchudzanie #fitfood #instagood #instafood #yummy #hiprotein #highprotein

4/29/2024, 4:29:13 PM

Vanille-Quarkkuchen mit Blueberry Bash 🌱 vegan & glutenfrei *enthält Werbung* Für diesen veganen Quarkkuchen habe ich unter anderem die Quarkalternative von Simply V benutzt: Schmeckt pur leicht säuerlich, gibt aber dem Kuchen zusammen mit den anderen Zutaten eine herrlich dezente Frische 😍 On top etwas Blaubeer-Fruchtmark und Blueberry Bash, insgesamt eine herrlich leckere Kombi, 4 Cookies dürfen natürlich auch nicht fehlen (schmecken außerdem richtig gut und enthalten nur ganz wenig Zucker). 🥰 Kuchen + Toppings = 543 kcal | 35 g P | 45 g K | 21 g F Zutaten für den Boden (⌀ 12cm): 20 g gemahlene (glutenfreie) Haferflocken @koro_de ‼️–5%: GINGER 10 g teilentöltes Mandelmehl @koro_de 30 g Sojajoghurt Natur ungesüßt Zutaten Quark-Masse: 200 g Alpro Skyr Natur ungesüßt 100 g Simply V Leichter Frischegenuss 15 g Speisestärke/Puddingpulver 10 g teiöentöltes Mandelmehl @koro_de 20 g Erythrit @koro_de 1/2 Fläschchen Vanille-Aroma 170°C Umluft, ca. 30 Min. ohne Vorheizen Toppings: 30 g Heidelbeer-Fruchtmark 4 Hafer-Cookies Haselnuss-Kakao @foodloose ‼️–15%: KUCHEN15 15 g Blueberry Bash @naughtynuts ‼️–10%: NN-GINGER 》Mahle die Haferflocken. Vermenge sie mit dem Mandelmehl und dem Joghurt zu einer Masse und drücke sie in die Kuchenform. Ist der Teig zu klebrig, feuchte einen Löffel an und verstreiche damit den Teig. Quarkmasse anrühren und auf dem Boden verteilen. Im Ofen gut durchbacken, (über Nacht) abkühlen lassen und am nächsten Morgen aus der Form nehmen und mit den Toppings verzieren. #frühstück #cheesecake #käsekuchenvegan #käsekuchen #glutenfrei #veganbacken #veganerezepte #frühstückskuchen #gesundbacken #glutenfreibacken #vegandeutschland #frühstücksideen #ernährungsumstellung #gesundabnehmen #fitundgesund #gesundzunehmen #proteinbombe #fitfood #breakfast #naschenohnereue #einfachvegan #gesunderezepte #gesundnaschen #schnellerezepte #korodrogerie #esstmehrkuchen #foodblogger_de #proteinrezepte #naughtynuts

4/29/2024, 4:18:28 PM

Sem desculpas para não comer bem! Segunda-feira, VR cheio e nossa salada está te esperando! 😍 ⏱Nossa loja fica aberta de 10:30 às 15:30 🛵E o nosso delivery de 10:30 às 22:00 📍Rua São José, 90 - Centro/RJ 📲Toque no link da bio e faça seu pedido . . . . #RioDeJaneiro #CentroRJ #AlmoçoRJ #ComidaSaudavelRJ #AlimentacaoSaudavel #VidaSaudavel #ComidaRapidaSaudavel #MonteSuaSalada #FitFood #FitnessBrasil #TrapaSaladLovers #MinhaTrapaSalad #SaladaDoDia #TrapaSalad

4/29/2024, 4:15:11 PM

حمص #حمص #healthylifestyle#غذای_سالم#غذاهای_خوشمزه#غذای_رژیمی_ورزشی #fitfood #fitness#فیتنس_بانوان#فیت

4/29/2024, 4:12:13 PM

Aquí se hace #𝒔𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒇𝒐𝒐𝒅 platos frescos, delis y bajos en calorías que los renovamos semana tras semana para un estilo de vida sano y divertido 😋 #healthyeating #healthylife #healthylifestyle #cleaneating #fitfood #healthychoices #healthyliving #eathealthy #weightloss #cleanfood #nutrition #healthybreakfast #lunch #foodblogger #protein

4/29/2024, 4:10:36 PM

Mai láb edzés előtti ebédem (és az egész családé is👨‍👦‍👦👩‍👧) Vegyes zöldséges pirított rizs, sous vide sertésszüz érmékkel, spárgával 😍🤤 #mutimiteszel #egeszsegestaplalkozas #fittkaja #mutimiteszikagyerek #instahun #helathyfood #fittlifestyle #gymfood #fitfood #ebédötlet #edzéselőtt #preworkout #momlife #momcooking #hungryhungarian #foodblogger #foodphoto

4/29/2024, 4:04:26 PM

Arugula and cannellini beans with prosciutto, hard boiled eggs, marinated artichoke hearts and red onion dressed with fresh lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, sea salt and cracked black pepper. I highly recommend you give this salad combination a try. Hope you’re having a great day.

4/29/2024, 4:01:11 PM

Nos fuimo un ratet con la reyna k nos aburrimos 🙃

4/29/2024, 3:48:56 PM

Another week, another what I eat in a day: 1️⃣ Breakfast: Yogurt bowl with fruits - Provides probiotics for gut health - Fruits offer vitamins and antioxidants for immunity 2️⃣ Snack:Avocado toast with egg - Healthy fats from avocado for heart health - Protein from egg for muscle repair and satiety 3️⃣ Lunch: Bulgur and chicken with veggies and hummus - Bulgur offers complex carbs for sustained energy - Chicken provides lean protein for muscle growth and repair - Veggies offer essential vitamins and minerals - Hummus adds flavor and healthy fats 4️⃣ Dinner: Chicken with cucumber, tomatoes, etc. - Chicken offers protein for muscle repair and growth - Cucumber and tomatoes provide hydration and essential nutrients - Balanced combination for a light and nutritious meal . . . #HealthyEating #CleanEating #Nutrition #Wellness #FuelYourBody #EatWell #HealthyChoices #GoodFood #NourishYourBody #HealthyLiving #HealthyLifestyle #WholeFoods #EatClean #BalancedDiet #FoodIsFuel #HealthyHabits #FitFood #WellnessJourney #NutrientRich #HealthyMealIdeas

4/29/2024, 3:44:40 PM

CELERY JUICE IS VITAL FOR BRAIN HEALTH The mineral salts specifically in celery juice are instrumental in the electricity that governs the body—they’re building blocks for neurotransmitter chemicals, they ignite electrical impulse activity, and they support neuron function. A brain with weak electrical impulses and weak neurotransmitters shuts down and goes into “low battery” mode—which makes celery juice, a battery charger for the brain, an answer to stop this from happening. Mineral salts keep the heart pumping and create the neurotransmitters needed to take information from point A to point B, that is, from neuron to neuron. (Picture a thought as a boat and mineral salts as the ocean: if the ocean dries up, the boat can’t go anywhere.) #celeryjuicebenefits #celeryjuiceheals #celeryjuice #medicalmedium

4/29/2024, 1:35:00 PM